At-Home Learning
DIY Paper Bunny
View this activity created by PACE Youth Leadership Committee member, Jessica! Follow along to create paper plate bunnies perfect for Springtime! Work on fine motor skills and coordination with simple, easy-to-find materials. Have fun and enjoy!
DIY Indoor Obstacle Course
Re-create this activity along with your loved ones for some indoor weekend fun brought to you by our FACES Behavioral Services Team! Play while working on gross motor skills, following directions, turn-taking, and communicating with peers! Published February 2021.
Apple Slice Cookie Recipe with Sonia
Follow along with PACE School Teacher Assistant, Sonia, to create “Apple Slice Cookies”! This activity will help practice various skills, such as following directions, and is an excellent opportunity to be creative! Try it out with different toppings or spreads. Enjoy! Published January 2021.
Monster Book Storytime
Storytimes are a great way to help children build listening skills such as auditory perception. Auditory perception is how the brain interprets what is heard and is an important component of child development. Enjoy this video created by one of our Sunny Day’s instructional aides, Carolyn! Published January 2021.
Winter Vocabulary with SLP Kelsey
Practice winter vocabulary with SLP Kelsey! Using creative outlets such as videos are a great way of teaching skills and new concepts as they are an easy source for repetition. Published January 2021.
“Five Little Pumpkins” with SLP Kelsey
We hope all families had a safe and happy Halloween! Today, you can continue in the Halloween/fall spirit by following along with SLP Kelsey in her story time video: Pete the Cat, Five Little Pumpkins! Published October 2020.
“It’s Pumpkin Day, Mouse!” with SLP Kelsey
Get into the Halloween spirit with this fun storytime brought to you by SLP Kelsey! Read along to the story: “It’s Pumpkin Day, Mouse!” Follow along with or without an AAC device to work on speech and vocabulary skills. Don’t forget your favorite pumpkin spice treats! s. Published October 2020.
Bat Vocabulary with SLP Kelsey
Today, join SLP Kelsey to talk about the different things you see on Halloween! Follow along with her interactive video with or without an AAC device. Have fun while learning new “bat” vocabulary along with visuals. Published October 2020.
Make a Fruit Salad with SLP Kathleen!
Get inspired in the kitchen by SLP Kathleen and follow along her step by step video to create a fun fruit salad! Cooking different types of foods or snacks with recipes can be a great way to practice skills like following directions, especially for individuals with autism or other developmental disabilities, and, they provide a delicious reward in the end! View the video down below to learn a new recipe! Published October 2020.
Seahorse Craft with Teacher Lizzie!
Create a Seahorse Craft while working on fine motor skills! Published October 2020.
Communication, sensory integration, social relatedness with Carolyn!
Our Sunny Days Preschool is composed of an inclusive program for 2 1/2 – 6-year-olds that supports children on the autism spectrum, neuro-typical children, and those needing a little extra support in a responsive and nurturing environment. Throughout shelter in place, our staff has worked incredibly hard to provide educational content and distance learning materials for our students. View this video and take a look at the amazing work created by Instructional Aide, Carolyn B. Work on communication, sensory integration, social relatedness, and play all in one video! Published October 2020.
Old MacDonald with SLP Katia
Read along and enjoy a fun storytime: Old Mcdonald! Join SLP Katia with or without an AAC device! Interactive videos are a great way to work on speech and language development for children by allowing them to repeat what they see and hear. Published September 2020.
Making Chicken Biriyani with Teacher Kaberi
Learn how to make Chicken Biriyani with a visual step by step recipe. Not only is this a great lesson to practice independence skills, but it is also a great way to learn about different cultures! Published August 2020.
“Wh” Questions with SLP Katia
SLP Katia brings a fun and educational video for you and your loved ones to follow along in the comfort of your home! Practice answering different WH type questions with or without an AAC Device. WH type questions start with words like what, when, where, who, whom, which, whose, why, and how. These are a great way to practice both requesting and giving information. Published August 2020.
Core Word “Look” with SLP Kelsey
This week, continue practicing core words “look” and “see” by following along a story time video with SLP Kelsey! Picture books are a great way to help visual learners as well as provides a fun experience. Published August 2020.
Shelter In Place Resources: “Kindness Makes Us Strong” with SLP Kelsey
This week, SLP Kelsey brings us a storytime video: “Kindness Makes Us Strong.” Follow along her interactive video to work on describing the images/illustrations you see! Published July 2020.
Shelter In Place Resources: Baking Cookies with Teacher Lizzi
Participate in a fun baking activity along with Teacher Lizzi! Follow the step-by-step video to create delicious chocolate chip cookies while working on social skills and following instructions, and even math skills! Published July 2020.
Shelter In Place Resources: Summertime Art with Teacher Lizzi
Looking for some fun activities? Follow along with Teacher Lizzi as she demonstrates creating works of art using different textures. Using different textures in art is a great sensory activity for children with autism. Art can also be therapeutic as it provides the opportunity for self-expression. We hope this provides artistic inspiration! Enjoy! Published July 2020.
Shelter In Place Resources: Setting the Table with Teacher Kaberi
Teacher Kaberi demonstrates how to set the table! Setting a table is a great daily living skill to practice at home. Daily living skills can help children with autism spectrum disorders develop their communication and cognitive skills and improve their independence. Published June 2020.
Shelter In Place Resources: Bear Hunt Reading with SLP Kelsey
Join SLP Kelsey in a “Bear Hunt” reading! You can follow along with an AAC device, a carrier phrase strip, or both! “Carrier phrases” are phrases in which the first few words are constant and only the last word changes. These phrases are ideal to help to encourage longer utterances, and provide multiple opportunities for practice. Published June 2020.
Shelter in Place Resources: Learning to Clean a Table
Household chores can help children develop time management, task completion, and independent living skills. In this video, Sonia breaks down the steps to clean a table, an important household task! Follow along and practice following instructions with your child at home. Published June 2020.
Shelter in Place Resources: Core Verb with SLP Kelsey
Children often request items around the house by pointing, gesturing, or saying the noun alone, for example, “apple”, “book”, “shoes”, “iPad”. This weekend, we focus on expanding noun requests by learning how to pair with the core verb “want”. This will help give your child a functional word that can be carried over throughout various situations and environments. For example, “want apple, want iPad”. Enjoy! Published June 2020.
Shelter in Place Resources: Yoga and “Core Words” with SLP Kelsey
Follow along this educational yoga session directed by SLP Kelsey! Practice the core word, “like” while using relaxing yoga poses to act like different animals! Core vocabulary describes the main “core” words we use throughout 80% of our everyday language; think verbs, prepositions, and adjectives. When our students learn core vocabulary, we see an increase in communication throughout various activities! Published June 2020.
Shelter in Place Resources: The Very Busy Spider with SLP Kathleen
SLP Kathleen reads the story of The Very Busy Spider with visual icons (from the program LAMP) to help individuals understand the general narrative of the story. She also uses a sentence strip for expanding utterances for those individuals who typically respond independently using one word. It eases the burden of spontaneous speech and helps individuals to see language. Published June 2020.
Shelter in Place Resources: Build a Fruit Car!
PACE School Instructional Aide, Allyson, demonstrates how to build a fruit car. Published May 2020.
Shelter in Place Resources: Story time with Teacher Jessica
Join along on today’s story time brought to you by our Sunny Days Preschool Teacher, Jessica! Published May 2020.
Shelter in Place Resources: Kiwanis Games at PACE Event #7
Today, Teachers Lizzi and Ashley, demonstrate how to participate in a fun game of Hit the Can at home! THANK YOU to all of the PACE staff and teachers that made this series of virtual events possible in honor of the 42nd Special Kiwanis Games! Published May 2020.
Shelter in Place Resources: Kiwanis Games at PACE Event #6
View our second to last event of our Virtual Kiwanis Games! Participate in a fun game of bottle-toss and see how many points you can get! Published May 2020.
Shelter in Place Resources: Kiwanis Games at PACE Event #5
It’s Event #5 of the Virtual Kiwanis Games! Get active with a fun round of bowling! Published May 2020.
Shelter in Place Resources: Kiwanis Games at PACE Event #4
PACE School Teacher and Intern Teacher, Lizzi and Ashley, are back with event number four of the Virtual Kiwanis Games! Join them in a game of discus. Published May 2020.
Shelter in Place Resources: Kiwanis Games at PACE Event #3
PACE School Teacher and Intern Teacher, Lizzi and Ashley, present event number three of the Virtual Kiwanis Games! Published May 2020.
Shelter in Place Resources: Kiwanis Games at PACE Event #2
Teacher Lizzi brings to us event number two of the Virtual Kiwanis Games! Race along with a scooter, bicycle, rolling chair, or on foot! Enjoy! Published May 2020.
Shelter in Place Resources: Kiwanis Games at PACE
Last Friday, May 15, 2020, should have been the 42nd Kiwanis Special Games. For over 4 decades volunteers from Kiwanis, Key Club, Circle K, and Builders have turned out by the hundreds to host this important event for about a thousand special needs children and young adults from Santa Clara County. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, the games were postponed until Friday, May 14, 2021. But at PACE, we are not letting that stop us! Teacher Lizzi Wanschura has put together videos for you and your family to complete! Today, participate in a fun game of virtual basketball – ENJOY! Published May 2020.
Shelter in Place Resources: Ants on a Log with Teacher Devon
Enjoy another fun activity for families of all abilities called Ants on a Log! Follow along with Teacher Devon to prepare a fun snack while building independent skills. Published May 2020.
Shelter in Place Resources: Fireworks in a Jar Experiment
Teacher Devon demonstrates a visually appealing experiment, Fireworks in a Jar, for families to try at home! This activity can help reinforce following directions, patience, and social and communication skills. Published May 2020.
Shelter in Place Resources: Wearing a Face Mask
In preparation for the transition back to school, PACE Behavior Support Associate, Rebecca demonstrates how to wear a face mask, and explains the purpose and importance of wearing a face mask. Published May 2020.
Shelter in Place Resources: Sensory Experiment
Teacher Devon shares with us another fun and easy sensory experiment! Published May 2020.
Shelter in Place Resources: I-Spy and Shaving Cream Activities
Our Faces Behavioral Services Clinical Manager, Amelia, leads fun I-Spy and shaving cream activities! This is a fun, family-friend activity to do at home. Published May 2020.
Shelter in Place Resources: “Pete the Cat” Read Along with SLP Kelsey!
Follow along with Kelsey as she reads “Pete the Cat I Love My White Shoes” in conjunction with Words for Life models. Published May 2020.
Shelter in Place Resources: Animal KeyHouse Game with Katia!
Play a game of Animal KeyHouse along with SLP, Katia. This game helps to build communication and social skills! Published May 2020.
Shelter in Place Resources: Stretching with Teacher Devon!
Teacher Devon shares a stretching and breathing exercise you can follow along from home! Published May 2020.
Shelter in Place Resources: “First, Then” book with SLP Kelsey!
In this video, PACE SLP Kelsey, shows us an example of a “First, Then” Book perfect for those individuals who prefer visual communication! Published May 2020.
Shelter in Place Resources: Plant Seeds and Water Plants!
Learn and watch how to plant seeds and water plants with Allyson and Sonia! Published May 2020.
Shelter in Place Resources: Hungry Caterpillar with Kelsey
Read “A Very Hungry Caterpillar” with PACE SLP, Kelsey! Practice listening skills or read along with a no-tech version unity model Published April 2020.
Shelter in Place Resources: Dirt Cup Recipe
PACE School teacher, Devon, shares her fun and easy Dirt Cup Recipe for you to follow along at home. Published April 2020.
Shelter in Place Resources: DIY Pine Cone Bird Feeder
Follow along with PACE Speech-Language Pathologist, Kelsey, to create an Earth Day inspired Pine Cone Bird Feeder. Published April 2020.
Shelter in Place Resources: Puffy Paint Activity
PACE School teacher, Lizzi, shows us how to make puffy paint at home! Follow along step-by-step with her interactive video. Published April 2020.
Agency Updates
A Message from the Executive Director
PACE Executive Director, Kurt Ohlfs, provides an update on the agency during the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. Learn more about the agency’s transition into the new school year, plus, hear about the extension of our 2020 Golf Classic Fun-A-Need! THANK YOU, to our Golf Classic and Agency supporters thus far – together we work to create a world in which people of all abilities live fulfilled lives. Published October 2020.
PACE Agency Updates from Assistant Executive Director, Karen Kennan
Published July 2020.
A Message From the Executive Director
Published June 2020.
A Message from the Executive Director: Update
PACE Executive Director, Kurt Ohfls, offers new updates on PACE amid the evolving COVID-19 crisis. PACE is actively looking at plans and protocols for making a safe and smooth transition back to center-based learning in alignment with local and state Shelter in Place directives. Kurt also highlights the staff’s ongoing, incredible work in supporting our students, residents, clients, and their families with remote learning and tele-therapy, as well as the immense support PACE has received from various fundraising efforts. Published May 2020.
COVID-19 Update: A Message From The Executive Director
PACE Executive Director, Kurt Ohlfs, offers an update on PACE programs amid the COVID-19 crisis. Published April 2020.
2019 Aetna Voices of Health Video
Video submission for the 2019 Aetna Voices of Health Contest. Published August 2019. Produced by Behrmann Thomsen, LLC.
30th Anniversary — 2019 Interview Series
Kaberi B. is a teacher at the PACE School. She is dedicated to ensuring each of her students reaches their fullest potential. Published August 2019. Produced by Behrmann Thomsen, LLC.
30th Anniversary — 2019 Interview Series
Tom McGovern currently serves as the President of PACE’s Board of Directors. Our Board of Directors plays an important role in the success of PACE and we are tremendously grateful for their support. Published August 2019. Produced by Behrmann Thomsen, LLC.
30th Anniversary — 2019 Interview Series
Amelia Lalley currently serves as Clinical Supervisor and BCBA at Faces Behavioral Therapy. Faces was established in 1995 to support children with autism reach their full potential utilizing Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). Published July 2019. Produced by Behrmann Thomsen, LLC.
30th Anniversary — Full Length Video
We are excited to debut our full-length 30th Anniversary video, celebrating PACE’s service to individuals with autism in the Bay Area. Throughout the years, PACE has remained dedicated to providing high-quality educational, residential, early intervention, and behavioral therapy programs for children and adults with autism.
30th Anniversary — 2019 Interview Series
Jason Hernandez, Instructional Aide and Paraprofessional at the PACE School, serving in his current role has been with PACE for over 20 years. Jason also works as a Direct Support Professional at a PACE group home. Published May 2019. Produced by Behrmann Thomsen, LLC.
30th Anniversary — 2019 Interview Series
Richa Narang, a PACE parent, talks about her experiences having her 20-year-old son enrolled in PACE school. Her son has been enrolled in PACE since 2013. Published April 2019. Produced by Behrmann Thomsen, LLC.
30th Anniversary — 2019 Interview Series
Karen Kennan, Assistant Executive Director, serving in her current role has been with PACE for 13 years. Karen manages Faces Behavioral Services, Sunny Days Preschool, and Marketing and Development for PACE. Published March 2019. Produced by Behrmann Thomsen, LLC.
30th Anniversary — 2019 Interview Series
30 years ago, Jerry Matranga, along with several other parents of children with autism, found it profoundly challenging to find resources and care for his son. He went on to help establish PACE’s education program, and helped to develop the agency’s fundraising and outreach. Jerry also served as PACE’s first Board Chairman. Published February 2019. Produced by Behrmann Thomsen, LLC.
30th Anniversary — 2019 Interview Series
Kurt Ohlfs kicks off our interview series describing what keeps him motivated every day to manage PACE, to build awareness about autism and educate our community to serve people with autism. Published January 2019. Produced by Behrmann Thomsen, LLC.
30th Anniversary — Highlight Clip
As PACE launches into 2019, celebrating 30 years of service to individuals with autism, we are grateful to be surrounded by our community and to connect with those dedicated to our future and the future of those whom we will continue to serve for the next 30 years. Together, we have become experts in teaching those affected with moderate to severe autism and because of YOU we are able to provide outstanding programs including specialized occupational and speech therapies enriched with movement, music, and art. Published January 2019. Produced by Behrmann Thomsen, LLC.
PACE 25th Anniversary Video
Jump Cutters Video produced this lovely overview of PACE’s first 25 years as an organization through one family’s experience.
PACE: A 20 Year Journey of Service, Learning & Hope
Parents, students, staff and supporters reflect on PACE’s 20th anniversary of providing services for kids and adults with Autism in the Bay Area.
PACE in the News
Silicon Valley Nonprofits — PACE Services & PORCHLIGHT AUTISM EDUCATION SERIES
Many thanks to Bev Lenihan and Silicon Valley Nonprofits for helping us share the news about PACE and our services for children with autism, highlighting PORCHLIGHT, 50 free e-learning modules for parents and caregivers. Published on April 17, 2017. This program was aired on KMVT15 Community Media.
Silicon Valley Nonprofits — Sunny Days Preschool Renovation
Many thanks to Bev Lenihan and Silicon Valley Nonprofits for helping us share the news about the need for our Sunny Days Preschool renovations based upon increasing demand for Early Intervention services for children with autism. Published on Apr 17, 2017. This program was aired on KMVT15 Community Media.
Silicon Valley Nonprofits — PACE GOLF CLASSIC
Many thanks to Bev Lenihan and Silicon Valley Nonprofits for helping us promote the 2017 Golf Classic. Published on Apr 17, 2017. This program was aired on KMVT15 Community Media.
PACE Services PSA
Many thanks to Focus Business Bank who sponsored another PSA for PACE! Spread the word about PACE programs and services! Join us for our Open House with Animal Assisted Happiness and a tour of the PACE School. Published March, 2015.
PACE on KTVU Fox — Bay Area People
PACE Assistant Executive Director, Karen Kennan discusses programs and services. Mark Gilfix of Gilfix & La Poll discusses special needs trusts. Published on April 11, 2015.
PACE on Bay Area Focus
PACE Executive Director, Kurt Ohlfs, was interviewed by KPIX-TV / KBCW-TV SAN FRANCISCO’s Michelle Griego during her segment on autism. Published February 2014.
PACE on NBC Bay Area News (October, 2013)
Karen Kennan, PACE Assistant Executive Director, was interviewed for a story on a South Bay mom’s struggle to find volunteers to help implement the Son-Rise program for her autistic son.
PACE on NBC Bay Area News (August, 2013)
Kurt Ohlfs, PACE Executive Director, was featured in a NBC Bay Area News segment about a new report from the Journal of the American Medical Association regarding autism incidence among siblings.
PACE Featured on NBC Bay Area News (May, 2013)
Karen Kennan, PACE Assistant Executive Director, was featured in a NBC Bay Area News segment about a new study by Stanford University linking Autism and pollution.
Cupertino Rotary Obstacle Course Project at Miracle
A tremendous thank you to the Cupertino Rotary volunteers for building, assembling, and installing the course, and ensuring it was done following health and safety protocols. We’re grateful for the ongoing support the Cupertino Rotary provides PACE especially in this unique time. Published May 2020.
PACE Awarded $50K Community Assist Grant
PACE has been awarded a $50k Community Assist Grant by the Sharks Foundation and Kaiser Permanente as part of their Healthy Living: Fitness & Wellness Month. The Sharks Foundation and Kaiser Permanente partnered with PACE to update the playground area, build a custom covered bike garage, and purchase 10 Rifton Adaptive Tricycles for PACE students. The volunteers revitalized the bike track with fresh paint, constructed the 10 new bikes and play equipment, and landscaped the garden beds. Published December 2018.
Because of PACE…
Parents, students, staff and supporters finish the sentence, “Because of PACE…”
PACE in One Word
Parents, students, staff and supporters describe PACE in one word.
PACE is Santa Clara Chamber Member of the Month
PACE was chosen as the Santa Clara Chamber of Commerce ‘Member of the Month’ for December 2013. PACE Executive Director, Kurt Ohlfs, was interviewed by the Chamber’s President & CEO, Steve Van Dorn. Published December 2013.
PACE Marketing, Press Relations, Website
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