Saturday, April 16, 2016 | 12-4pm | Santana Row, 377 Santana Row, San Jose, CA 95128
Join the YLC for their 2nd Annual, Light It Up Blue concert to benefit PACE! Local bands will donate their time to help raise funds for PACE programs and services. This year’s lineup includes the Monta Vista Jazz Band, Cymbalize, the School of Rock San Jose house band, The Drought, and Monta Vista Tri-M. The concert will be held at Santana Row Park near the chess set. Eat at Pasta Pomodoro on The Alameda or the location at Santana Row on April 16th and they will donate 20% of your bill to PACE! Bring this flyer to the Pasta Pomodoro of your choice and donate to PACE in a delicious way!