Saturday, March 12, 2016 | Santa Clara County Fairgrounds, 344 Tully Road, San Jose, CA 95111
PACE is once again the nonprofit beneficiary of the Color Me Rad 5K race for 2016! Please join us! All participants will receive: 5K entry, race t-shirt, RAD tattoo, a color pack, and free Goo Guard phone case. Registration is now open! Use promo code “PACE” to receive a 10% registration discount and 15% of the fee goes to PACE. Sign Up!
Don’t want to run, but want to take part in the fun? Volunteer registration is now open! If you are 18 or over, simply complete the registration form and select your desired shift. Be sure to select “PACE” when asked, Are you volunteering on behalf of an organization or charity! There are shifts available for packet pick day up on March 11, and on race day, March 12. Register to Volunteer!