PACE is supported by the San Andreas Regional Center (SARC) and the California Department of Education. Additional grants and donations from local government agencies, community-based organizations, businesses, and individuals make it possible for PACE to provide exceptional care for clients in our school, children’s services, and residential homes.
In FY 2021-2022 PACE receives donations and in-kind support from the following corporations, businesses, foundations, and individuals:
Abrahams Household
ACORE Capital
Adams Household
Ahern Household
Aidala Household
Alam Household
Alavi Household
Alderete Household
Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc.
Andrews Household
Angel Household
Apple Inc. Matching Program
Arrillaga Household
AT&T Employee Giving Campaign
Avison Young
Ayala and Mendoza Household
Bain Household
Bank of America Merrill Lynch
Banke Household
Barrett Household
Bavilacqua Household
Bay Area Self Storage
Bello Household
Benefit Mobile
Bernard Household
Bersin Household
Berthold Household
Bewley Household
Bhattacharjee Household
BioMed Realty Trust, Inc.
Bonuel Household
Borges Household
Boynton Household
Bright Funds Foundation
Brouwer Household
Brown, N. Household
Brown, R. Household
Brownstone and Verhalen Household
Burt Household
Calihan Household
Calkins Household
Cance Household
Carey Household
Cashen Household
Caven Household
Caviglia Household
Chambers Household
Charities Aid Foundation of America
Chen Household
Cheng Household
Chern Organization
Chong Household
Coleman Household
Colliers International
Connors Household
Costco Corporate Match
Cotter Household
Crkvenjakov Foundation
Dabak Household
Daly Household
Daya Household
De La Paz Household
de Raynal Household
Deklotz Household
Delage Household
Delamore Household
Dermer Law
Dermer, J. Household
Dermer, S. Household
Dighe Household
Divco West Properties
Djordjevic Household
Donahue Fitzgerald LLP
Donate For Charity, Inc
Dougherty Household
Downing Household
Doyle Household
Durfee Household
Eastdil Secured
Edwards Household
Eleanor’s VF-11 Plant Food
Elite Private Landscape
Ellis Partners
Eng Household
Enriquez Household
Erdman Household
Ferris and Schwarzhoff Household
Fils and Reichline Household
Fils Household
First American Title Company
FJM Investments
Flanagan-Hanson Household
Flynn Household
Foderaro Household
Fried Household
Fujikawa Household
Galway Bay Foundation
Garg Household
Geiduschek and Harris Household
Gilfix & La Poll Associates, LLP
Gold Household
Goldman Household
Gomez Household
Gonzalez Household
Google Corporate Match
Graca Household
Gray Household
Gray, M. Household
Greenberg Traurig LLP
Grisalin Household
Grosskopf Household
Grote Household
Guerra Household
Hack Household
Hallgrimson Household
Hane Household
Harandi Household
Harvest Properties
Healthpeak Properties
Heising and Simons Household
Hielscher Household
Higgins, C. Household
Higgins, T. Household
Hoppen Household
Horejs Household
House Properties
Hubbell Household
Hudson Pacific Properties
Hunter Household
Hunter Management, LLC
IBM Employee Services Center
Isackson Household
Issadore Household
Jacobson Household
Jain Household
Jameson Household
Jay Paul Company
Jones Household
Jung Household
Jung Household
Kandhala Household
Keenan III Household
Kendra Scott
Kennan, K. Household
Kennan, H. Household
Kent Household
Kier and Wright Civil Engineers and Surveyors, Inc.
Kim Household
Kim, M. Household
Klein and Maslen-Klein Household
Klein Household
Klineburger Household
Kranzusch Household
Kroon Household
Lacy Household
LaFranchi Household
Lagpacan Household
Lam Household
Landa Household
Lane Partners
LBA Realty
Legacy Risk & Insurance Services, LLC
LeVeque Household
Levin Household
Lift Real Estate Partners LLC
Lin Household
Lindorff Household
LoMonaco Household
Lorenz Household
Lorette and Wilson Household
Lumpkin Household
Magazu Household
Magnuson Household
Maguire Household
Mahoney Household
Matranga Household
Mayo Household
McCallum Household
McCrillis Household
McCurdy Household
McDonald Household
McDonnell, M. Household
McDonnell, R. Household
Microsoft Corporate Match
Miller, D. Household
Miller, J. Household
Miller, M. Household
Miyahara Household
Mocherman Household
Moe Household
Monaco Household
Monkelbaan Household
Montes Household
Moran Household
Morrison and Foerster Foundation
Mullins Household
Murugan Household
Nelson Household
Network for Good
Nguyen, K. Household
Nguyen, T. Household
Nichols Household
Niemeyer Household
O2 Mortgage
O’Brien Household
O’Connell Household
Ohlfs Household
Olson Household
O’Neal Household
ONEDigital Health and Benefits
Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP
Paczkowski Household
Palmer Household
Pandit Household
Parker Household
Pastushok Household
Patel Household
PCI Non-Compliance
Peatross Household
Pingle Household
Poland Household
Polyanko Household
Poritzky Household
Porta Household
Quinton Household
Rajagopalan Household
Raley Household
Ramirez Household
Rashid Household
Reiner Household
Renella Household
Renz Household
Ritchey Household
Rodriguez Household
Rohiem Household
Rudolph and Sletten, Inc.
Ruiz and Cucco Household
Scharf Investments
Schemel Household
Schneider Household
Schonenberg Household
Schwartz Household
Scott Household
Shorenstein Realty Services
Shtokalo Household
Sobrato Organization
Somashekar Household
Soong Household
South Bay Construction
Staffen Household
Stanton Household
Stockbridge Capital Partners
Sturm Household
Suyenaga Household
Tagliabue Household
Tanzi Household
Target Corporation
Tate Household
Texas Instruments
The Grisalin Companies
The Roxborough Group
The Swig Company
Tishman Speyer
Tran Household
Tremaine Household
United Way: California Capital Region
Unity Spiritual Center San Jose
Urban Household
Vallentine Household
Van der Heide Household
Van Dusen Household
Von Kaenel and Giambruno Real Estate Group
Von Kaenel Household
Walker Household
Wang Household
Wang, J. Household
Watkins Household
Watters Household
Watters, K. Household
Webb Household
Weber, J. Household
Weber, S. Household
Weber, W. Household
Weinstock Household
Werner Household
Wilbur Household
Wilkinson Household
Winterling Household
Wong Household
WP Investments
Ying-Tsu Household
Yung Household
Zhao Household
Zighelboim Household
Ziranda Household
Please see our Annual Report to view a comprehensive donor list.
Community Partners:
Animal Assisted Happiness
Cupertino Rotary
Family Giving Tree
HandsOn Bay Area
Rebuilding Together Silicon Valley
Santa Clara Chamber of Commerce